Monday, April 20, 2015

What is stopping me?

I have found that when ever I try to do something that I really want to do I always fail.
I give up so easily on anything that is hard.
Right now the biggest thing I have been struggling with is working out.
I want SO BADLY to be fit and healthy.
I am pretty healthy and my weight isn't bad at all I just have a bit of fat around my body that I dont want there anymore.
I want to be healthy when I start to get older and be able to do things I love to do. I want to start now and have a healthy life.
But I get in my own way. I make excuses. I just give up and stop trying after awhile.
I am very happy when I'm done working out and proud of myself but getting myself to do it some days is hard.
I need to stop being such a baby. I want this so bad and I'm tired of myself getting in my way.
I'm done. I need to make a change. Now or I will never be able to make myself happy.
If you have any tips I'd love to hear what you have to say. I need help!!

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