Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I think ive found the reason I have gained weight

If you read my other blogs you'd know that I was really skinny 5'7 115 lbs, I was pressured so much and hated on so much and gained weight with birth control  called depo provera. I weighted 156lbs when I decided that was enough. I stopped taking it and lost the weight over time but now my body is really sensitive to weight gain. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and be skinny but now I gain weight... It might just be because I'm older now. But idk.
But now I'm struggling with my weight a little bit, I'm at about 126lbs and have fat around my body I wish wasn't there.
I have been thinking about what I am doing differently than I did before when I was younger and skinnier and I thought of something crucial.
Before when I wasn't hungry I wouldn't eat. But now if its dinner time and I barely had lunch I force myself to eat. I find I do that a lot. I eat when I'm not hungry. Whether I'm bored or just think I should eat because I haven't in awhile. If I'm not hungry I shouldn't eat.
Hunger is your body telling you it needs to eat. If its not hungry dont eat. Right?
That's one thing I need to work on. And I think I'll see a change.

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