Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Banana-Scotch Snack Mix (Healthy)

I love to snack.
I LOVE sweet things.
I also love being healthy.
This is a great healthier snack to pick at and you get a bit of sweet and salty in every bite:)

This is what I call my Banana-Scotch Snack Mix.
From banana chips to butterscotch chips, to dark chocolate to cashews this is a great mix of so many yummy things that tie all together

Here's how to make it:

You will need:

~1/2 cup of banana chips ( I got organic unsweetened banana chips)
~1/2 cup pretzels 
~1/4 cup of DARK chocolate chips (60% and up preferably)
~1/4 cup butterscotch chips
~1/2 cup of cashews (I used organic)
~1/2 cup of peanuts (no shells) (I used organic)

Step 1~ Add all ingredients to a bowl and toss until nicely combined
Step 2~ Store in a container or cute jars that you can gift:)

Thats it!! 
Super easy and Super yummy!!!
Let me know if you liked it and if you have any twists on the recipe:)

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